SMS AERO LTD aims to ensure that our products / services meet the needs of our customers at all times in accordance with customer, statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as our policies and procedures.
Top management are responsible for the implementation of our Quality Management System and for achieving and maintaining ISO 9001:2015 certification. The scope of our Quality Management System covers all activities stated within our Scope Document and we are committed to:
- Develop and improve our Quality Management System
- Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
- The enhancement of :
- Quality, specification, and integrity
- Customer satisfaction
- Supplier performance
- Risk minimisation
- Work ethics and best practices
We shall endeavour to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, and constantly monitors our quality performance against objectives and implementing improvements when appropriate.
All personnel understand the requirements of this Quality Policy and abide with the requirements of the Quality Management System as defined in this Quality Procedures Manual. This Quality Policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure its continuing suitability.
Copies are made available to all members of staff and relevant interested parties along with copies of the minutes of Management Reviews, or extracts thereof, in accordance with their role and responsibilities as a means of communicating the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.